Visualising Earthquakes in Nepal


October 15, 2024

In this notebook, we will download data about earthquakes in Nepal from USGS and produce a dashboard to explore the data interactively.

Getting the Data

The data is freely available from USGS’s Earthquake Catalog.

The API supports a number of query parameters, but we need only a subset of those, particularly to limit the search to Nepal’s geographical bounds and since 2010. We’ll also limit the results to include earthquakes > 4 in magnitude.

import requests
import datetime

To get the geographic bounds of Nepal, we will read a parquet file using the geopandas library. Let’s see what this looks like.

import geopandas as gpd
nepal = gpd.read_parquet("nepal.parq")

We only care about the boundaries, so let’s dissolve the internal boundaries and get the geographical bounds.

nepal = nepal.dissolve()
minx miny maxx maxy
0 80.057081 26.347758 88.201526 30.471487

Now we’re ready to query the catalog. We’ll save the results as a CSV file ‘quakes.csv’.

params = {
    "starttime": "2010-10-07",
    "endtime": str(,
    "maxlatitude": nepal.bounds["maxy"],
    "minlatitude": nepal.bounds["miny"],
    "maxlongitude": nepal.bounds["maxx"],
    "minlongitude": nepal.bounds["minx"],
    "minmagnitude": 3,

response = requests.get(CATALOG_URL, params=params)
with open("quakes.csv", "wb") as f:

Filtering the results

We’ll read the CSV file as a pandas DataFrame first and then convert it to a GeoDataFrame with geopandas.

import pandas as pd
quakes = pd.read_csv(
        "latitude": "float32",
        "longitude": "float32",
        "depth": "float32",
        "mag": "float32",
    usecols=["time", "latitude", "longitude", "depth", "mag", "place"],

quakes = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(quakes["longitude"], quakes["latitude"]),,
).drop(columns=["longitude", "latitude"])

The time is currently in UTC, lets convert that that ‘Asia/Kathmandu’

quakes["time"] = quakes["time"].dt.tz_convert(tz="Asia/Kathmandu")

Let’s visualise the earthquakes now.

ax = nepal.plot(color="white", edgecolor="black")
quakes.plot(ax=ax, markersize=5, color="red")

The results include all earthquakes located within the rectangular geogrpahical bounds. We can see earthquakes recorded in China and India.

To fix this, we’ll use the within function provided by geopandas to filter only those within Nepal’s boundary.

quakes = quakes[quakes.within(nepal.loc[0, "geometry"])]

ax = nepal.plot(color="white", edgecolor="black")
quakes.plot(ax=ax, markersize=5, color="red")

Interactive Visualisation

Now that we have downloaded and filtered the data, we’ll improve on the static map and produce an interactive map. We’ll use the holoviews and geoviews libraries to achieve this. In this case, we’ll use the bokeh backend for plotting.

import holoviews as hv
import geoviews as gv


We only need to plot Nepal’s boundary, so we’ll use the Path method of geoviews instead of Polygons.

nepal_map = gv.Path(nepal).opts(

Next, we’ll plot the earthquakes as points on the map. We’ll visually relate the size of the earthquakes with the corresponding markers on the map. We’ll define a method to generate the point plot, and holoviews allows us to modify the output of this method by chaining opts later.

def plot_quakes(data):
    return gv.Points(data).opts(
        size=(2 ** gv.dim("mag")) / 4,

This time, we want to provide some information about the earthquake (e.g. date, magnitude, etc.) when a user hovers over a point on the map. For this, we’ll use the HoverTool provided by bokeh.

from bokeh.models import HoverTool
from bokeh.models.widgets.tables import NumberFormatter
hover_tool = HoverTool(
        ("Date", "@time{%d %b %Y %I:%M %p}"),
        ("Magnitude", "@mag{0.0}"),
        ("Place", "@place"),
        ("Depth", "@depth{0.00} kms"),
    formatters={"@time": "datetime"},
nepal_map * plot_quakes(quakes).opts(tools=[hover_tool])

We can improve this further by indicating how far in the past the earthquakes occurred. To achieve this, we’ll create the following bins:

  • < 1 day
  • 1 - 7 days
  • 7 - 30 days
  • 30 - 365 days
  • older
quakes["timebin"] = pd.to_datetime("now").tz_localize("UTC") - quakes["time"]
bins = [
    pd.to_datetime("now").tz_localize("UTC") - min(quakes["time"]),
labels = [
    "past day",
    "past week",
    "past month",
    "past year",
quakes["timebin"] = pd.cut(quakes["timebin"], bins, labels=labels)
quakes[["time", "timebin"]].head(5)
time timebin
0 2024-09-15 00:06:42.274000+05:45 past year
1 2024-08-31 03:46:59.157000+05:45 past year
7 2024-05-28 06:58:06.793000+05:45 past year
8 2024-03-06 10:10:08.225000+05:45 past year
10 2024-01-12 23:32:29.479000+05:45 past year
nepal_map * plot_quakes(quakes).opts(
    color="timebin", cmap="Dark2", fill_alpha=0.5, legend_cols=3, tools=[hover_tool]

Interaction with Filtering

HoloViews provides the HoloMap container, which is supported by a multi-dimensional dictionary of objects. We can then explore the data along those dimensions. See here for the official examples.

HoloMap produces the plot together with widgets corresponding to the dictionaries for exploration. By default HoloMap’s widgets are placed to the right of the plot, which is not very suitable for our rectangular map. So, we’ll place the widgets at the bottom using hv.output.


When displayed as a webpage using Quarto by converting to HTML, HoloMap creates plots for each unique combination of dimension(s) because we don’t have a phython server to support dynamic generation of plots. Therefore, we’ll limit the values of our dimensions.

Ideally you’d produce a dashboard supported by a python server which would allow us to explore all key dimensions. For how to do that, read below.

First, we’ll create the dimensions

from math import floor
years = [2010, 2015, 2020]
kdims = [
    hv.Dimension(("start_year", "Since"), default=2010),
    hv.Dimension(("min_magnitude", "Minimum magnitude"), default=3),

min_mag, max_mag = min(quakes["mag"]), max(quakes["mag"])
mag_bins = [i for i in range(floor(min_mag), round(max_mag))]

Next we’ll define a method that generates the plot for a given (year, min_magnitude) combination, and bind this to the HoloMap container.

def plot_filtered_quakes(start_year, min_mag):
    data = quakes[(quakes["time"].dt.year >= start_year) & (quakes["mag"] >= min_mag)]

    # Here, we need to handle cases where there's no earthquake records.
    if not len(data):
        return nepal_map * gv.Points([]).opts(tools=[hover_tool])

    return nepal_map * gv.Points(data).opts(
        size=(2 ** gv.dim("mag")) / 4,

map_dict = {
    (y, m): plot_filtered_quakes(y, m) for m in mag_bins[:-1] for y in [2010, 2015, 2020]
hmap = hv.HoloMap(map_dict, kdims=kdims)

Dashboard with DynamicMap and Panel

HoloViews plots can be dynamically linked with panel widgets, which allows the widgets to act as input to control the range of values shown in the plots. In this case we’ll use the DynamicMap container which use callables to return HoloViews object using the python server, instead of the HoloMap way of pre-rendering plots for all possible dimension combinations.

For our map, we will use a date slider widget to filter earthquakes within a date range, and a min magnitude widget to filter the minimum magnitude of the earthquakes.

import panel as pn


Date Slider

We’ll create a slider that allows us to select any range of dates within our data.

last_date = quakes["time"].max()
earliest_date = quakes["time"].min()
date_slider = pn.widgets.DateRangeSlider(
    name="Date Range",
    value=(earliest_date, last_date),

Minium Magnitude

The next widget will allow us to filter by the minium magnitude of the earthquake.

min_magnitude = pn.widgets.IntSlider(
    name="Minimum Magnitude",

Let’s wrap the widgets in panel’s WidgetBox layout that nicely arranges the widgets for us.

widgets = pn.layout.WidgetBox(date_slider, min_magnitude)

Binding the widgets with the Map

Now that we’ve created the widgets, we will bind these widgets with a method that will filter the data accordingly and call the plot_quakes method we defined earlier to plot the earthquakes on a map.

def plot_filtered_quakes(date_range, min_mag):
        dates = [pd.to_datetime(x).tz_localize("UTC") for x in date_range]
        data = quakes[
            (quakes["time"] > dates[0])
            & (quakes["time"] < dates[1])
            & (quakes["mag"] >= min_mag)
    except TypeError:
        data = quakes

    return nepal_map * gv.Points(data).opts(
        size=(2 ** gv.dim("mag")) / 4,

quakes_map = pn.bind(
    plot_filtered_quakes, date_range=date_slider, min_mag=min_magnitude
quakes_dmap = hv.DynamicMap(quakes_map)
pn.Column(quakes_dmap, widgets)

Custom Legend for Earthquake Size

Lastly, we would like a legend to show what the sizes of the circles means. Unfortunately, the bokeh backend we’re using for holoviews doesn’t support a legend with different marker sizes. So, we’ll create a custom plot that mimics a legend and add that to the plot.

First, let’s create bins to place the earthquakes in: starting with 4 (the lowest possible) to the max recorded.

mag_bins += [round(max_mag, 2)]
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.8]

Now we determine the marker sizes for these, as well as their positions on the y-axis, as we’ll create a vertical legend. If we wanted a horizontal legend, we’d swap the x and y positions.

marker_sizes = [2**x / 4 for x in mag_bins]

xs = []
for i, s in enumerate(marker_sizes):
    x = (xs[i - 1] + 0.1 + s / 100) if i > 0 else 0
    xs += [x]

marker_data = dict(
    y=[0] * len(mag_bins),
{'x': [0, 0.14, 0.32, 0.5800000000000001, 1.0, 1.6571523605095195],
 'y': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
 'mag': [2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, 32.0, 55.71523605095194]}

We also need labels, one before the first marker, and one after the last marker. This will be a bit a of a trial and error in terms of positioning the labels to your satisfaction.

mag_labels = hv.Labels(
        ("x", "y"): [(xs[0] - 0.2, 0), (xs[-1] + 0.55, 0)],
        "text": [f"{mag_bins[0]}", f"{mag_bins[-1]}+"],
    ["x", "y"],
).opts(text_color="black", text_font_size="10pt")

Let’s see what our legend looks like.

mag_points = hv.Points(marker_data, vdims=["mag"]).opts(
    ylim=(-0.2, 0.2),
    xlim=(-0.25, 2.5),

mag_legend = mag_points * mag_labels

Now we can add this legend with the map to complete our interactive map.

pn.Column(quakes_dmap, pn.Row(widgets, mag_legend, align="center"))

If you were to run this in Jupyter Lab or as part of a dashboard, you’d be able to do lag-free filtering using the python server. For an example of a work in progress dashboard see here.