Formatting markdown tables
We can easily format a markdown table in vim using pandoc. Starting with the below table
| **Reference** | **Study area** | **Status** | **Scale** | **Social component** |
| -------------------------------------------| ----------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | -------------------- |[Alves, R. G., Maia, R. F., et al. (2023)] | agriculture | prototype | local | no |
| [Angin, P., Anisi, M. H., et al. (2020)] | agriculture | architecture | local | no |
| [Bauer, P., Stevens, B., et al. (2021)] | earth systems | proposed | supra-regional | yes, partial, proposed |
| [Buonocore, L., Yates, J., et al. (2022)] | environment | framework | local | no |
| [Calvin, K. and Bond-Lamberty, B. (2018)] | earth systems | proposed | supra-regional | yes | |
we can visually select the entire table and use pandoc to format the selection.
:'<,'>!pandoc -t commonmark_x
which generates the following formatted table:
| **Reference** | **Study area** | **Status** | **Scale** | **Social component** |
|--------------------------------------------|----------------|--------------|----------------|------------------------|[Alves, R. G., Maia, R. F., et al. (2023)] | agriculture | prototype | local | no |
| [Angin, P., Anisi, M. H., et al. (2020)] | agriculture | architecture | local | no |
| [Bauer, P., Stevens, B., et al. (2021)] | earth systems | proposed | supra-regional | yes, partial, proposed |
| [Buonocore, L., Yates, J., et al. (2022)] | environment | framework | local | no |
| [Calvin, K. and Bond-Lamberty, B. (2018)] | earth systems | proposed | supra-regional | yes | |